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Webinar Transcripts - click to second page for MORE PDFS
Rick Gillis
The Mechanics of the Job Search

Greg Link
Trust in the Job Search

Al Duncan
Al Duncan provides leadership tips!

Tony Beshara - Job Search Strategies
Tony provides the strategies and methodologies to get a job!

Joshua Waldman - Social Media Mistakes

Donna Serdula - Linkedin Makeover
Learn how to make your LinkedIn profile work for you!

Sherri Thomas - Personal Branding

Natascha Saunders - Facebook

Diane Darling - Handout

Robert Shindell - Internships

Peter Weddle
Peter shares how to create a personal career fitness plan

Julie Bauke
Julie will share how you can encourage your son or daughter to start building their career plan their freshman year.

Melissa Giovagnoli-Wilson
Networking and Social Media

Alfred Poor - Soft Skills

Chris Westfall - ELEVATOR PITCH

Ben Cashnocha

John Boyd - Sell Yourself

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