Live Webinars
1.    Is there a cost to participate in the career Webinars?
2.    How will I be notified of upcoming Webinars?
3.    Do I have to register to participate in the Live Webinars and watch recordings?
4.    How do I watch the Live presentations?
5.    What can I do if I have trouble viewing or hearing the live Webinar?
6.    Do I have to participate in the Live Webinars in order to watch the recordings?
7.    If I have career questions, how can I share them?
8.    How can I get a copy of the presenters Power Point?
9.    Do I need a special computer or have to download software?

Recorded Webinars    
1.    When will the recordings of the presentations be available?
2.    Will a copy of the authors Power Point be available?
3.    Will there be a transcript of the presentation available?
4.    How often can I watch the recorded Webinars?
5.    Can I watch the recordings at any time?
6.    If I have career questions related to the presentations who I can turn to for help?

1.    What do you do with the data I share?
2.    Is this program limited to alumni only?
3.    What other career services are you offering?
4.    Do you want feedback?
5.    I’m a career coach/hiring manager, can I take a lead in answering questions from alumni?

Live Webinars

1)   Is there a cost to participate in the career Webinars?
No!   This is a free service provided to you by the alumni association.  We are continually reviewing services and programs to find out what you and fellow alumni want.  If you like this service and would like to see more of it, let us know by clicking on the Contact Us link on the home page.

 2) How will I get notified of upcoming Webinars?
When you register, we’ll send you a welcome email and then follow up with a reminder email a week and a day prior to the Webinar.   Another way to remind yourself of the Live Webinars is to schedule an appointment in your Outlook or equivalent calendar for the first Wednesday of each month!

3)  Do I have to register to participate in the Webinars and watch the recordings?
Yes.  In order to receive reminders, you will need to register.  However you only have to register once and you will be given access to all Live Webinars, all recordings the PDF’s, transcripts, online discussions and more!

4)  How do I watch the Live presentations.
You can watch the presentations via your computer, smart phone or smart pad. When you click on the Live Menu tab and then click on the image on the page, you will be taken to the Live event.  There is no need to log in, create an account, or do anything to participate. Make sure you have your speakers turned up so you can hear the speaker.

5)  Do I have to participate in the Live Webinars in order to watch the recordings?
No - not at all.   You don’t have to participate in the Live Webinar.  If it’s more convenient for you to watch the videos on your own time, then do it!

6)  Who do I contact during the Live Webinar if I am having trouble accessing the Webinar?
On the live page there is an email address you can use to let us know what issues you are experiencing.  
The Webinar hosting system we use for this series - regularly hosts events with tens of thousands of people and does not require special software or downloads.  It doesn’t require a phone to connect and it’s highly scalable.  As a result we don’t anticipate you will have an issue.  
Please understand however, because we have to focus on the event, there is a good chance we will NOT be able to address your issue during the presentation.  However we will work with you to help you find a work around for the next Webinar.  If you cannot access the live event, keep in mind you will have access to the recording within 24 hours.

7)  If I have career questions, how do I share them?
Click on the Forum banner or tab on either ; 1) the presenters information page, 2) the Live Webinar page, 3) or the Presenters page with the Webinar recording on it.  If you have a question prior to the Webinar, post it and we’ll share it with the author.  If you have a career question at any time in the future, post it and wait for fellow alumni, career coaches and others to share their thoughts.

8)  How can I get a copy of the presenters Power Point?
As long as the speaker provided it, a PDF of his, or her presentation will be available prior to the presentation so you can follow and take notes!

9) Do I need a special computer or have to download software?
No software is required.  You can access the live or recorded Webinars through any standard browser including, Chrome, Firefox and Explorer.

Recorded Webinars    
1)  When will the recordings of the presentations be available?
The recordings of the Webinars will be posted within 24 hours after the Webinar.  You can stop back and watch them at any time.

2) Will a copy of the authors Power Point be available?
As long as the authors provide a copy of their presentation to share with you, we will post a PDF of their presentation for you to download.  You can download it either off the Live presentation page or the authors presentation page.

3) Will there be a transcript of the presentation available?
Yes, we’ll provide a complete transcript of the presentation that you can download and use as a reference as you review the presentation at a later date.

4) Can I watch the recordings at any time?
Yes, the recordings are available at anytime, 24/7!

5) If I have career questions who I can turn to for help?
You can pose questions at anytime in the online discussion forum.

What do you do with the data I share?
The date and information you provide is only used by the alumni association to analyze the effectiveness of the program and to identify what we can do to improve the program.  We keep your information confidential and do not sell it or let others use it.

Is this program limited to alumni only?
Yes.  This is a service we offer alumni and or extended family only.    There is a cost to stream videos, manage and update the site so added use by non alumni could raise cost beyond what our budget allows.

What other career services are you offering?
We are always looking at ways we can provide you relevant career tools and services.    Please share with us what services would help you succeed.

Do you want feedback?
We are always looking at ways we can provide you relevant career tools and services.    Please share with us what services would help you succeed.

I’m a career coach/hiring manager, can I take a lead in answering questions from alumni?
Absolutely!   Share your expertise and information!