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Alumni Career Webinar Series
Wednesday, June 5th from 8-9 PM EST
Make Your Network Work for YOU!
Make Your Network Work for YOU!

Webinar Overview

Research shows that 80 percent of job seekers get jobs through their extended networks.   You can't spend enough time building your professional network.

You've learned by now there are two important things you need to do with your network.  First build it, and second nurture it.   Diane Darling will go through proven strategies, and share best practices on how you can both build your network, and at the same time help your network find jobs and do business with each other.

Join Diane for a refreshing look at dozens of fun, easy to adopt networking techniques that will provide you a powerful professional network.

Presenter: Diane Darling

Diane is the embodiment of contradictions: An introvert who teaches networking skills (the people kind).  A small town girl from college towns in the Midwest and Colorado who has traveled to all seven continents and about 60 countries.

A college educated, published author in 7 languages who lived in the YWCA and she found herself deeply in debt after a business failure and family difficulties. Four years later she is happily a home owner! In 2003 Diane realized she needed to make a difficult decision. Reluctant to declare bankruptcy but facing significant debt after a business failure significantly due to 9/11, she gave up her apartment.

In 2006 after some less-than-sane living situations, she quietly moved into the YWCA. She focused on paying off the debt and getting back on her feet. "At the recent Intersection 2.0 Leadership gathering that I hosted, Diane Darling was a huge hit. She wove together elements of her personal story with principles of networking that were very practical and that resonated with the audience.

Her presentations engendered lots of interesting discussion, and were among the highlights of the weekend." - Dr. Al Chase, Founder, White Rhino Partners In July 2010 she purchased her first home!!! Yippie!!! There are two reasons she'll move again - she's wearing a toe tag or she meets an amazing guy! :-) Diane hosted a "house blessing" on 10/10/10 and is slowly settling in. She welcomes your thoughts on what home means to you. On March 6, 2009 she shared her story with the world. She knew it was going to be in the paper - she didn't know it was going to be on the front page! She woke up that morning to learn she shared the front page of the Boston Globe with the President of the United States. He was above the fold, she was below sharing her story of resilience and challenges.

Based on the research and books by:

Diane Darling