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Alumni Career Webinar Series
On Demand
Active Interviewing
with Eric Kramer, Author

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Webinar Overview

Our research has shown it takes 16 Interviews to get an offer, and the offer might not be for the job you really want! 

So when you get the interview - congratulations!  But now the real work starts. You need to invest a good deal of time in planning for your interview.

By attending this Webinar you will learn: 

  1. Why job interviews are broken 
  2. How to use basic sales skills in your interview 
  3. How to build a strategy around your upcoming interview 
  4. Techniques to link your background and experience to critical job requirements 
  5. How to tell stories about your work and college experience to prove you can do a job 
  6. What questions YOU should ask to show your interest and preparedness

Presenter: Eric Kramer

Eric started his professional career working as a clinical psychologist, and has experience as an employee in both large and small companies, as an entrepreneur in software development, and as an independent consultant.

Eric also has experience working as a Career Consultant and Career Center Manager with two of the country’s largest career transition firm. As a Senior Consultant, Eric worked with hundreds of job searchers individually and in groups teaching them job search skills and coaching them through their interviews. Based on his background in psychology and through his work with transitioning executives,

Eric has become a career expert. Eric shares his career expertise in presentations, workshops, and online communication with diverse groups including recruiters, career professionals, career transition companies, and job seekers. Eric has authored two books, published by Cengage Publishing, “1001 Successful Interview Strategies” and “1001 Successful Networking Strategies” and publishes a blog "Interview Your Best". Eric is the developer of an internet site providing comprehensive interview information and tools for both job seekers and hiring authorities.

In addition, Eric is co-founder of the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group (PAGCG). PAGCG, with 500 members, provides a wide range of job transition services including monthly and weekly meetings as well as an online job transition portal. Eric earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Hartford and a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology from American University. He is trained in Positive Psychology Coaching and is licensed as a psychologist in the state of Pennsylvania.

Based on the books and research of:

Eric Kramer